With 18 years behind its back, the Budapest exhibition and event series is the mostsignificant and – with regard to its substance – the most complete unit of the DWBproject; its segments are going to be exhibited subsequently in Bratislava as well.The venue is the Kiscell Museum; with its rich collection of local history and contemporary visual art,as well as innovative and colourful programmes it is one ofBudapest’s best-loved museums. On the one hand, the DWB project will be housed inthe museum’s magical church hall, its dimensions and milieu serving as the perfectbackdrop for the all-arts project; on the other hand, contemporary carpets and glass artpieces will be exhibited in the permanent exhibition spaces of the museum’s historicalrooms.
The aim of the DWB Budapest exhibition is to present visual and performing artists,who normally appear together only rarely, in the same location as an organic whole.The exhibition is arranged into thematic units; within these units the works of artistsfrom different countries, regions and generations are presented with the help ofinformation boards and films. The exhibited object arrangements are augmented bymodern and contemporary music concerts and contemporary dance performances.(The concerts will also feature pieces by composers from V4 countries.) DWB createsa novel all-arts quality. This novel quality is recorded by the DWB films, which -besides the project’s website and YouTube channel – will form the most importantbody of content at the subsequent exhibition in Bratislava and at the presentations inHelsinki. (The presentations in Helsinki will serve to pave the way for a futureexhibition cycle.)The organisers created the DWB Awards in 2014. The goal of the awards is toraise awareness to the importance of sponsorship, social responsibility andsupporting culture. Its recipients are primarily up-and-coming designers.Thus far, the awards have been sponsored by the Visegrad Fund and otherorganisations, arts foundations, art collectors and businesses.
The most important themes of the DWB exhibition:- Presenting eco-conscious projects that promote sustainable development. E.g. thepresentation of the material studies of Alvar Aalto University will receive highpriority. (This will be the core content of the subsequent workshop in Helsinki.)- Presentation of the objects, creations, films etc. born out of the wider interpretationof design and conceived on the boundaries of different art disciplines; particularly ofone of the genres most capable of progressive renewal: the major creators ofcontemporary jewellery art (eg. selection of Legnica Jewellery Festival); since 2022 is the year of glass art,the representatives of this genre (eg. selection of Czech glass artists – Studio Dechem) will also play a significant role;the so-called TEXHIBITION project is a seven-year tradition whereby the achievements of textile artists and manufacturers are presented;one or two major iconic creators are highlighted each year etc.- DWB assigns a significant role to the introduction of various arts universities inorder to showcase the works of various universities outside the region to V4 countrystudents and to facilitate person-to-person contacts at the meeting. The followinguniversities from the V4 region will be involved – see under Target group 20. – ,and from outside the V4 region the works of students from universities outside the V4 region -see under Target group 20. – will be showcased.- One of DWB’s most important segments is the in-person and/or online meeting(depending on the epidemiological situation), where 10-minute presentations inEnglish will introduce us to each other’s work and reveal ideas for concrete jointprojects (this year’s meeting will focus heavily on this latter aspect).- DWB’s website and social media sites are important both for the general public andresearchers.
Dostojevského rad 2, 811 09 Bratislava, Szlovákia
The Bratislava exhibition is the organic continuation of the DWB Budapestexhibition.Its goal is to present the international project beyond the capitol of Hungary inBratislava and to take advantage of Vienna’s proximity and reach out to the Austrianaudience.The exhibition will present a topical selection of the Budapest exhibition and the filmsof the all-arts events of the Budapest project.The Bratislava venue of the DWB project would be the renewed Umelka Gallery withits bright spaces and clean architecture, a counterpoint to the historical spaces ofBudapest’s Kiscelli Museum.This aspect will be considered when selecting the exhibition material, thus compellingtextile art creations and statue-like objects, as well as the works of contemporaryjewellery artists will be prioritised for exhibition, augmented by the films and photosof the Budapest project.The Bratislava exhibition will primarily reach out to the Slovakian audience, and –taking advantage of the proximity of Vienna and the cooperation of Austrianexhibitors and partners – would like to reach out to the Austrian audience too.
Partners of the Visegrad Fund tender:
The Gallery of Art in Legnica https://silver.legnica.eu/