Toivo Raidmets

The chair has a special place in the creation of objects in my design career.

The chair attracts. It’s a challenge – a complicated, most interesting crossword puzzle.

It is man’s first, most direct contact with the built environment and through it man has a special relationship with our constructed world; it is our best four-legged friend – we land on it with gratitude to rest our tired feet.

There are not really thatmany aspects that need to be taken into account when creating a chair–comfort, rationality of production, reasonableness of the material and aesthetics. However, it is quite difficult to keep them all in mind in the right proportion.
The latter, its aesthetic appearance, usually comes as if by itself, if the requirements listed above are satisfied.

You will not be born a designer of chairsor become one ina few years at school. It is good to always have a personal twist to deal with thechallenge and in a supportive environment. I’ve been lucky – working in furniture factories before and after university hasprovided me irreplaceable experience. Also, as a village boy, I always had a knife at hand for carving.

We can learn from everywhere – from our ethnography, where the peasant had to be smart when assembling a piece of furniture with scarce materials and limited tools, as well as from nature around us – the river always flows and the branch always grows along the right path.
