Micheline Nahra

Micheline Nahra

Design Academy Eindhoven

A Dinner for One

Micheline Nahra has disassembled a four-person dinner setting and rebuilt it for one person, in a bid to make absence visible. A Dinner for one tells a story of loss, it is a signifier of absence, a former normalcy of life that is absent, and a situation that has been transformed into a memory.Starting from a table and four chairs, she deconstructed the objects into their constituent parts, worked on the individual elements and reconstructed the new table and chair.Raised in war-torn Lebanon, this process of deconstructing and reconstructing is a way of exploring the relationship between objects and the layering of stories in them.“Where I come from destruction is a reality and reconstruction is inevitable”. The pieces reflect the human need to retrace the past, preserve memories, and rebuild what is broken