Balázs Viola


 Her primary focus is pressed fabrics, she designs patterns for specific products – dresses, scarves, and bags. She is most interested in the process of creating a pattern in a way that it works and lives well with the finished piece. She likes pondering the motifs, tools and the structure that can capture and process a given theme. She especially enjoys designing collections where she can focus on different details, scales or colours.

What technique and inspiration did you use to create your textile on display in the 5th TEXHIBITION exhibition? Where was it made?

I reedited an element of my thesis an created a digital plan of it. I was inspired by our family heirloom. I looked at the influences that affected the visual world that is close to me. This was an experiment of sorts, preceded by lengthy research. Printing was done in Lénárd Kft.’s workshop.

Why do you think the TEXHIBITION project is important?

I find it brilliant that it brings together designers and creators who belong to different generations. It is great that we are able to exhibit together. I got to know many designers and professionals personally, and we didn’t just meet at the exhibition opening. For example, last year four of us went to Csárdatex together to sample the designs. We spent an entire day together and although we hadn’t met each other previously we chatted non-stop. Everyone was open to this. The other really important aspect of this initiative is that I can meet manufacturers that might open new perspectives in manufacturing in Hungary. And the exhibition and the way in which it is organised are of such a high standard it is an honour to be a part of it.

Balázs Viola
textile designer