Design without borders

02.10 – 06.11.2022

Venue: Kiscell Museum | Budapest

Határtalan design

2022. 10.02 – 11.06.

Helyszín: Kiscelli Múzeum | Budapest


The initiative focuses on interoperability between genres and themes. Its name reflects itsinternationa-lity, regional dialogue, European unity and the influence of individual art formson each other. The organisers’ express intention is to present the broad interpretationpossibilities of design: by broadening the concept, they focus on the creative approach and innovation. In accordance with the practice of previous years, the presented works, projects, and objects combine the most diverse fields – design, visual arts, fine art and performing arts.

In 2022 the works of a total of 214 artists from 24 countries are exhibited. In addition to series-produced pieces, small-batch series of furniture and accessories, prototypes, andeven experimental pieces are included too. What’s more, visitors can also find one-offworks, object / material experiments and artworks on the borderline bet-ween design and fine art. Many invited artists deal with current social and ecological issues such as sustainability or social responsibility.

The selection includes the works of different generations, from university students in their twenties to career-starters, through defining, internationally recognized mid-generation artists to mature artists in their nineties.

In addition to the presentation of regional designers, the focus of the exhibition is on Finnish design. The selection provides a comprehensive picture of the internationally defining role of Finnish design, of Finnish design education with its unique approach, including the importance of sustainability, as well as the openness, receptiveness and creativity that characterises Finnish culture. In addition to artists active in various fields of design and belonging to different generations, the selection includes globally successful progressive Finnish brands in the form of works by Alvar Aalto and by the students of Aalto University’s Department of Design and Department of Architecture as the highlights.

Each year, Design Without Borders reflects on important professional events, so this year are presentative selection related to the International Year of Glass is showcased. A soloexhibition by Czech glass artist Lukáš Jabůrek and a selection of glass objects from the Kiscelli Museum’s collection are exhibited in the upstairs permanent exhibition spaces.

In line with this year’s motto of the Budapest Design Week – “Meeting Spaces – Architectureand Design” – the exhibit includes among others the works of Dutch architect professor Kas Oosterhuis, whose creations are on the border between architecture and design.

As part of the series presenting contemporary jewellery designers, we showcase a wide international and Hungarian selection. This year includes the jewellery of the artist-teachers and students of the Department of Jewellery of the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, the works of the prize winners of the Legnica Jewellery Festival, SILVER as well as the selections of the KHiO – Oslo National Aca-demy of the Arts, the LSFDA in Plzeň, MOME, and theVŠVU/AFAD Studio S+M+L_XL – METAL AND JEWEL.

The works of art university students form a separate unit; this includes works by students from the ASP Academy of Fine Arts Władysław Strzemiński, the EKA Estonian Academy of Arts – Product Design Department, the LSFDA Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia, MOME Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design’s Department of Design and Department of Architecture, the VŠVU/AFAD Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava, TUZVO Technical University in Zvolen, and the University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca (UAD).

The organisers openly intend to place design in a wider context and to connect creators of different art forms. This is the second year that visual artists participate in the exhibition.The works of the artists of the Hermina Artist Collective are exhibited in the Oratory space.

Organically linked to the exhibition is the TEXHIBITION project, initiated in 2014 by textile designer Szilvia Szigeti. It is intended to promote the meeting and cooperation ofmanufacturers and designers. This year’s developments include the works of 19 designers,which were manufactured by Aste Bútorszövet és lakástextil, Meritum Kft., Lénárd Kft. and Lithuanian textile printing company MUZE.

The founding curators of the exhibition are interior designer Tamás Radnóti and textile designer Szilvia Szigeti. Both graduated from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and were fellows at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. Szigeti was a member of the board of trustees of the Akademie Schloss Solitude between 2012 and 2020. During the course of their career as designers they participated in several domestic and international exhibitions and their activities received numerous professional awards. Among others, they won the Lajos Kozma Scholarship for Applied Arts and Crafts, the Hungarian Design Award, the Design Management Award and the Ferenczy Noémi Award. They jointly established Unikát All-Arts Stúdió Lp. and the Eventuell Gallery in 1994; and besides the exhibitions organised in this creative workshop, they have organised nearly 200 Hungarian and international events (Textivál’s textile and fashion theatres in the 90s at the Szabad TérTheatre and in the Budapest Kunsthalle; the BútoroSOKK exhibition presenting avant-garde furniture designers in the Museum of Applied Arts). They have jointly organised ‘madeinhungary’ since 2004, which focuses on Hungarian designers; MeeD (Meeting of European and Central European Designers) since 2012, which focuses on regional artists; and the Design Without Borders exhibitions and all-artsevent series since 2014. Over the years they have worked with around 4,000 artists.

The exhibition will be accompanied by wholesome prog-rammes, guided tours, concerts, and film screenings.

For detailed programmes see the exhibition’s flyer or visit the exhibition’s website under ‘Programmes’.

Texts by: Gabriella Rothman


Margit Hart, Christoph March, Marek Gut , Georg Schnitzer, Peter Umgeher, Katharina Mischer, Thomas Traxler, Kerstin Pfleger, Peter Paulhart, Nawaaz Saldulker

Luzia Vogt, Yasmin Knüsel, Andrea Anner, Thibault Brevet, Denizay Apusoglu and Jonas Kissling, Robert A. Wettstein, Thibault Dussex & Yann Mathys, Susanne Schweizer

Dr Patrik Künzler

MMCITE, Jakub Jandourek, Michaela Tomiskova, Jakub Pollág and Václav Mlynář, Jiri Krejcirik, Tereza Drobna, Lukáš Jabůrek, Eva Růžičková, Kristýna Mikolášková, Klára Janypková, Kristýna Mikolášková, Lucie Koldová, Terezie Lexová, Štěpán Smetana

Barbora Hajlová, Kristina Zejkanova, Tereza Kytková , Barbora Bomerová, Soňa Kopecká

Jil Koehn, Silvia Weidenbach

Tanel Veenre, Annike Laigo, Tõnis Vellama

Katariina Kivi, Kertu Liisa Lepik, Marissa Mutt

Marc Monzó, May Gañán, Eduardo Climent , Inma Bermúdez, // Moritz Krefter, Jorge Pensi, Jose Maria Reina, Valencia Design Capital 2022

Erja Hirvi, Hanna Särökaari, Helena Lehtinen, Jenni Sokura, Yrjö Kukkapuro

Tuula Jusélius Seppo Koho, Alvar Aalto, Ari Kanerva, Aoi Yoshizawa. Reeta Ek, Tong Ren, Heini Riitahuhta, MARIMEKKO + Erja Hirvi

Hemmo Honkonen, Baldur Haraldsson, Balogh Imola, Daein Kang, Didi NG Wing Yin, Kerttu Lundell, Tatu Laakso, Veera Hakomäki

Anna-Mari Leppisaari, Maija Fagerlund, Arttu Åfeld, Kirsi Niinimäki, Bettina Blomstedt, Zuzana Zmatekova, Maarit Salolainen, Irene Purasachit, Laura Rusanen, Luisa Jannuzzi Fonseca, Leevi Viitanen, Marimekko, Nina Riutta, Noora Yau, Konrad Klockars, Sonja Dallyn, Linh Tong, Saara Kantele

Ross Lovegrove

Rónai Éva, Szalai Bálint, Király Adrienn, , Biliczki Anett, Borkovics Péter, Botos Péter, Budai Zsolt János, Ádám Krisztián, Börcsök Anna , Jermakov Katalin, Kocsor Eszter Sára, Neuzer Zsófia, Rémiás Szilvia, Tóth Zoltán, Zeibig Anna, Juhász Ádám, Albert Virág, Pongrácz Farkas, Cselovszki Márk, Erőss István, Horváth Máté, Józsa István, Kele Sára, Koós Daniella, Lakos Dániel, Mészáros Máté, Oláh Sándor, Orbán Orsi, Rácz Anikó, Somlai Tibor, Szabó Nelli, Adorján Éva, Balázs Viola, Bognár Bettina, Csíkszentmihályi Réka, Horváth Evelin, Kanics Márta, Kollár Ágnes, Koós Daniella, Lőrincz V. Gabi, Molnár Réka, Molnár Viktória, Munkácsi Gábor, Pájer Emília, Regős Anna, Ruttka Andrea, Szigeti Szilvia, Ujváry Berta, Vereczkey Szilvia, Vető Márta, Zimonyi Gwendolin

antalaci, Kertesz Krisztian, Sztruhár Zsuzsa

Kala Noel, Kulin Benjamin, Szalay Csenge, Zubovics Rudolf, Lajos Tamás Jakab, Baranyai Szabolcs, Cserba Péter, Doktor Melinda,Köte Tamás, Kiss Regina,Révész Nikolett, Szöllősi Anna, Varga Levente, Szilágyi Nóra

Alessandro Mandruzzato, Nicola Moretti

Brunella Alfinito, Federica Sala, Francesca Nuala, Giulia Savino, Haoyue Zhuang, IED - MILANO - JEWELLERY, Lavinia Rossetti, Vittoria Corvetti, Vivian Rebecca Morad, Shin Azumi

Ela Bauer, Kas Oosterhuis , Pieter Sturm, Ilona Lénárd

Dariusz Wojdyga, Jorge Manilla, Josephine Echer

Marzena Krzemińska Baluch, Jolanta Gazda, Katarzyna Gemborys, Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER, Sara Gackowska, Jan Kochański, Katarzyna Borkowska, Tomasz Pydo, Marek Błażucki

Justyna Kowalska, Luiza Mężyńska, Martyna Woszczak, Paulina Soltyszewska, Zuzanna Wojcik

Ana Margarida Carvalho , Alves Ludovico, Joana Santos, Christophe de Sousa, Hugo Silva

Cleopatra Cosulet, Cristina Cerga, Adrian Bursuc, Stefan Nadejde, Ciprian Mihnea, Lucian Grădinariu, Beáta Csáka, Cosmin Sălăjan, Irimieș Dragoș Mihai, Fîrte Gina, Octavian Gugu

Csiki Eszter, Josan Mara, Chiriac Ecaterina, Rădulescu Horațiu

Elena Khryashcheva

Martina Obid Mlakar, Matej Štefanac, Petra Brajak, Robert V. Bijelić, Nina Koželj, Manca Kemperl

Linda Viková, Ján Zoričák, Patrik Illo, Andrea Ďurianová, Andrea Ďurianová, Stanislav Meliš, Jozef Michalko, Ondrej Zachar, Zuzana Zmatekova

Zofia Poljakova Mrockova, Igor Kováč, Kristýna Španihelová, Dorota Sloviaková, Karin Šusteková, Klara Valuskova, Nina Abramovičová

Mario Pelka, Zuzana Pukačová

Andrij Bokotej, Dmitry Kozinenko, Kateryna Sokolova, Pavel Vetrov