Design Without Borders - Reflections An international sound object exhibition with 56 artists from 14 countries, and 18-part event series Accomplished as part of the Budapest 150 commemorative year, in connection with Ligeti's 100th anniversary, within the framework of the Design Without Borders 20th anniversary exhibition series, as an official event of the Budapest Design more

15 October – 26 November 2023.

FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture, 1052 Budapest V. Petőfi Sándor u.5

Opening hours: Wed – Sun 14:00 – 19:00 (Sun 15 Oct 11:00 – 16:00)

The Design Without Borders exhibition and all-arts event series will take place for the first time as a thematic exhibition with the

participation of 56 artists from 14 countries at the FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture. The special international selection was

born in connection with the 100th anniversary of composer György Ligeti’s birth and was inspired by Ligeti’s diverse creative


The selection will include material ranging from musical instruments based on traditions, through innovative new musical

instruments, sound furniture, sound objects created on the border of design and fine art, installations and the films presenting

them, to jewellery with sound or musical associations. In line with the all-arts spirit, the exhibition will be complemented by guided

tours, concerts and performances.

Each year the Design Without Borders exhibitions focus on artists from a specific country. In line with the Spanish focus, this year’s

selection will include works by two jewellery artists working with different creative attitudes: the unique ceramic jewellery of

world-famous Trinidad Conteras, and Juan José Ibáñez’s sounding brooches made by recycling old electric razors. And between

November 16 and 19 a prominent role will be given to Enrique del Castillo's sound object Phonoptic Reader and the performance

presenting it, which won the PowSOLO Best Sound Art award in 2020; as well as Sofia Montenegro's installation Ven y Ver, which

combines visuality with sound and performative elements.

A stand-alone unit of the exhibition is the IX.TEXHIBITION, which is also related to the Ligeti theme. Textile artists and a graphic

designer jointly designed an 11-piece textile series based on the composer's piano cycle Musica ricercata, consisting of 11 short


The founding curators of the exhibition are: interior designer Tamás Radnóti and Ferenczy Noémi Award laureate textile designer

Szilvia Szigeti.

The exhibition will be accomplished as part of the Budapest 150 commemorative year, with the financial support of the National

Cultural Fund of Hungary and the Pro Cultura Urbis Public Foundation, within the framework of the Design Without Borders 20th

anniversary exhibition series, as an official event of the Budapest Design Week.

Sponsors / Collaborating partners: the Cervantes Institute, the Polish Institute of Budapest, the Slovak Institute of Budapest, the Czech Centre Budapest.

● Exhibitors:

• AT Gertrud Fischbacher, Marius Schebella • BE Alice Pilastre • CZ Anežka Podzemská & Dana Elsterová (Durch Duo) Helena

Dařbujánová • ES Enrique del Castillo, Juan José Ibáñez X.A.N., Sofia Montenegro, Trinidad Conteras • FI Hemmo Honkonen • GE –

NO Koka Nikoladze • GR – DK George Koutsouris • HU Éva Adorján, János Bánáti, Réka Csíkszentmihályi, Mikolt Detre, Betti

Domonyi, Judit – Eszter Kárpáti Esteban de la Torre, Gabi V.Lőrincz, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Judit Pinviczki, Tamás Radnóti, Anna Regős,

Márton Süle, Andrea Ruttka, Szilvia Szigeti, Zoltán Tóth, Dániel Váczi – Tóbiás Terebessy, Eszter Zámori, Gwendolin Zimonyi • HU

HERMINA CSOPORT János Bali, Samu Gryllus, Krisztián Kertész, Áron Lakatos, Zsuzsa Sztruhár• IT Lorenzo Bravi • PL Kamil Laszuk,

Martyna Poznańska • RO Csíki Szidónia • SK Pavlína Árendášová, Klára Chytilová, Inna Vlasova • UA – SK Ilarii Omelchenko

● The list of programmes for the exhibition can be found under PROGRAMMES.


As FUGA is a vibrant cultural all-arts community space, we had to harmonise the opening hours, concert programmes and rehearsals for the Design Without Borders exhibition in the Marcel Breuer Room.

Please check the daily programme before visiting the exhibition.

Design Without Borders – Reflections exhibition and event series; exhibition opening hours and daily programme.

In FUGA Budapest Architecture Centre’s Marcel Breuer Room, and in the Zoltay Room between 17 – 19 November.

14 October (Saturday) 18:00 (Budapest Design Week)

✖︎ Exhibition Opening

Music historian János Mácsai opens the exhibition.

Contributing artists: Rita Góbi (dance), Róza Radnóti (piano)

Participation requires prior registration.

Register until: 13 October 18:00 on

15 October (Sunday)

Exhibition opening hours: 11:00 – 16:00

✖︎ 11:00 – 13:00 Curatorial guided tour (Budapest Design Week)

✷ 16:00 – 18:00 Rehearsal


Hungarian composers, Eastern inspirations 2.0

chamber compositions for flute

Contributing artists: Annamária Bán, Tímea Fábián, Dalma Ilyés, Zsófia Klimászné Varga – (flute); Eszter Aradiné Agárdi – (cello); Réka Baksai – (violin); Zsolt Kovács , Balázs Laczkó-Pető – (percussion); Csaba Pálfi – (clarinet); László Váradi – (piano)

Setlist: compositions by Gergely Ittzés, Attila Gallai, Ákos Nagy, Pál Rózsa and László Tihanyi

18 October (Wednesday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

19 October (Thursday)

Exhibition opening hours: 11:00 – 16:00

✷ 15:30 – 18:00 Rehearsal

✖︎ 18:30 Architects’ Coffee House

KONDOR string quartet concert & discussion

Speakers: Zsófia Csomay – architect, Ádám Kondor – composer

Péter Mátrai – architect-composer, László Vikárius – musicologist

Contributors: Orsolya Winkler (violin), Áron Soós (violin), Előd Soós (viola), János Aranyos (cello)


Péter Mátrai: Microcosm /FUGA video series – theme music/ (2020)

Péter Mátrai: Reziduum /music for the sound space of the Venice Biennale/ (2023)

Ádám Kondor: In nomine /string quartet – premiere/ (2023)

20 October (Friday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

21 October (Saturday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

22 October (Sunday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

25 October (Wednesday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

26 October (Thursday)

Exhibition opening hours: 11:00 – 16:00

26 October (Friday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

28 October (Saturday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 17:00

✷ 17:00 – 18:00 Rehearsal

✖︎ 18:00 Design Without Borders programmes

Róza Radnóti’s piano recital

From the works of György Ligeti and Béla Bartók

Róza Radnóti (piano)

29 October (Sunday)

The exhibition is CLOSED

✷ 11:00 – 17:30 Rehearsal


CentriFUGA Production: JENEY 80

New pieces, premieres of László Sáry, Zsolt Serei, László Tihanyi, Csanád Kedves, Bálint Horváth, Marcell Dargay and Márton Szőcs, and Zoltán Jeney: Psalmus 5 (Funeral ceremony)


Judit Rajk – (vocals), Berta Bánki – (flute), Mária Fajd-Kerner – (flute), András Szalai – (cimbalom), Csaba Fervágner – (double bass, classicus quartet)

Conducted by Csanád Kedves, Zsolt Serei

1 November (Wednesday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

2 November (Thursday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

3 November (Friday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

4 November (Saturday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 18:00

✖︎ 18:00 Design Without Borders programmes

Eszter Zámori (jewellery designer): In Your Hands – performance 2023

concept and jewellery: Eszter Zámori

choreographer and performer: Zsófia Lipták

sound design: Pimon Lekler

4 November (Saturday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

8 November (Wednesday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 18:00

9 November (Thursday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 18:00

✖︎ 18:00 Design Without Borders programmes

Péter Mátrai: Sound space and sound object

The space-object-sound-music concept of the RESIDUE project

in the Hungarian Pavilion of the 2023 Venice Biennale.

10 November (Friday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

11 November (Saturday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 17:00

✷ 17:00 – 18:00 Rehearsal

✖︎ 18:00 Design Without Borders programmes

Teponaztli, garamut and mokugyo, or the secrets of slit drums

Judit Pinviczki’s presentation, with the participation of Aurél Holló’s students

15 November (Wednesday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

16 November (Thursday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

17 November (Friday)

!!! The Design without borders – Reflections exhibition is CLOSED due to rehearsals !!!


Sofia Montenegro (Spain) Venír y Ver in FUGA’s Elemér Zalotay Hall(!)

Sofia Montenegro’s installation Ven y Ver combines visuals with sound and performative elements; its starting point was the observation of the Manzanares River as it passed through Madrid’s Río Park at a specific location and time.

Entry is free of charge

✖︎ 19:30 FUGA CONCERTS – in the Marcell Breuer Room

BENDA: Ariadne (a concert by Dóra Pétery and Tara Khozein)

Ticket price: 3000,-Ft

18 November (Saturday)

!!! The Design without borders – Reflections exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 18:00 !!!


Sofia Montenegro (Spain) Venír y Ver in FUGA’s Elemér Zalotay Hall(!)

Sofia Montenegro’s installation Venír y Ver combines visuals with sound and performative elements; its starting point was the observation of the Manzanares River as it passed through Madrid’s Río Park at a specific location and time.

✷ 17:00 – 18:00 Rehearsal in the Marcell Breuer Room

✖︎ 19:00 Design Without Borders programmes

Enrique del Castillo (Spain) Phonoptic Reader in the Marcel Breuer Room

Unique sound maps are drawn in the framework of the Phonic Reader project. Using recycled parts from old projectors, del Castillo creates optical readers that convert patterns appearing on celluloid into sound.

Entry is free of charge

19 November (Sunday)

!!! The Design without borders – Reflections exhibition opening hours: 11:00 – 15:00 !!!

✷ 15:00 – 17:45 Rehearsal in Breuer Marcell Hall


Sofia Montenegro (Spain) Venír y Ver in FUGA’s Elemér Zalotay Hall(!)

Sofia Montenegro’s installation Venír y Ver combines visuals with sound and performative elements; its starting point was the observation of the Manzanares River as it passed through Madrid’s Río Park at a specific location and time.

Entry is free of charge

✖︎ 18:00 FUGA CONCERTS in the Marcell Breuer Room

FRACTAL HORIZONS / Master and students concerts

Tibor Rácz, Andrej Hrasko, Zsanett Szatzker – accordion

Ticket price: 3000,-Ft

22 November (Wednesday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

23 November (Thursday)

Exhibition opening hours: 15:00 – 19:00

24 November (Friday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 19:00

25 November (Saturday)

Exhibition opening hours: 11:00 – 17:00

✷ 17:00 – 18:00 Rehearsal

✖︎ 18:00 – Endre Kertész (cello), Zsolt Bartek (clarinet): Improvisation

Ticket price: 3000,-Ft

26 November (Sunday)

Exhibition opening hours: 14:00 – 18:00


Curatorial guided tour: 16:30 – 18:00

Film screening and discussion : 18:00 – approx. 20:00

Musica ricercata – music film

Director: Mihály Kerényi, Performed by Róza Radnóti

Following the film screening Júlia Váradi interviews the creators.

Contributing artist: Lajos Rozmán (clarinet)

Please register by 18:00 on Friday 24 October at

Entry is free of charge


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© design without borders / Copyright

Provider / Szolgáltató

Name / Név: Unikát Bt

Location / Helyszín: 1188 Kölcsey u 104

TAX No. / Adószám: 28534820-2-43

Representative / Képviseli: Radnóti Tamás


Phone / Telefon:+36-20-913-54-32

Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara

Service provider / Webszolgáltató:

Ruffnet Zrt. (2724 Újlengyel, Határ utca 12.)

Provider / Szolgáltató

Name / Név: Unikát Bt

Location / Helyszín: 1188 Kölcsey u 104

TAX No. / Adószám: 28534820-2-43

Representative / Képviseli: Radnóti Tamás


Phone / Telefon:+36-20-913-54-32

Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara

Service provider / Webszolgáltató:

Ruffnet Zrt. (2724 Újlengyel, Határ utca 12.)

Provider / Szolgáltató

Name / Név: Unikát Bt

Location / Helyszín: 1188 Kölcsey u 104

TAX No. / Adószám: 28534820-2-43

Representative / Képviseli: Radnóti Tamás


Phone / Telefon:+36-20-913-54-32

Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara

Service provider / Webszolgáltató:

Ruffnet Zrt. (2724 Újlengyel, Határ utca 12.)