Lőrinc V. Gabi

Gabriella Lőrincz V.

An experimenting type, she loves all forms of textile-making very much. She knows and applies many techniques, she is attracted by the endless array of possibilities of yarn-shaping, and the process by which a pattern she had designed on paper transforms into fabrics possessing different characteristics by employing different manufacturing techniques. „This is like when a musician can play several instruments. My instruments are the various weaving, dyeing or looping tools that are all capable of creating their own distinct harmony.” As an applied designer she is gladdened by the knowledge that her carpets, cushions, curtains, tablecloths or tapestries will live on in someone’s home or in a public building.

What technique and inspiration did you use to create your textile on display in the 5th TEXHIBITION exhibition? Where was it made?

While out walking, I like discovering the exciting plays of light and shadow on buildings, stairs, or in parks. Instinctively, I seek and see patterns almost everywhere I go. Very often I photograph these finds, sometimes I might make a sketch; and later I turn them into patterns. The inspiration of the fabric called Rétegek (Layers) is based on a wall cladding experience of mine, and Pöttyök (Dots) was born out of the reimagining of the rhythm of the dots of light coming through a perforated panel and falling onto a length of railing.

Why do you think the TEXHIBITION project is important?

The Hungarian textile industry used to be unique even on an international level; it would be good to resuscitate it. The greatest merit of the project is that it connects designers and manufacturers who present the fruit of their collaborations each year, so the fabrics we design get bigger exposure. Our opportunities are limited; as designers we have fewer tools at our disposal to raise the awareness of the general public, of fellow designers and of interior designers to textiles designed and made in Hungary.

Lőrinc V. Gabi
textile designer
