Kollár Ágnes


 Graphic-digital pattern design and the artisanal ways are both close to her. The former offers endless possibilities and quick solutions, because „you can keep on experimenting without impunity until you see the desired result on the screen”. And she sees the beauty of the latter exactly in the fact that her hands create something unique and one of a kind. She is currently improving herself, studying graphic art; but keeping the other branch active is also important for her, of course.

What technique and inspiration did you use to create your textile on display in the 5th TEXHIBITION exhibition? Where was it made?

My exhibited fabric is based on a geometric design and a determined system.

The pattern’s inspiration was drawn from an earlier school project where I selected a few bridges over the Danube, worked on them and made them into a repeatable fabric pattern. After processing hand-drawn images using vector graphics I created and laid several layers on each other, occasionally softening the strict geometric lines into voluptuous curves. The resulting design pattern was made by Lénárd Kft. using digital printing.

Why do you think the TEXHIBITION project is important?

TEXHIBITION is a great opportunity for young designers freshly graduated from university to introduce themselves. Also, this is an excellent and supportive community of textile designers and manufacturing companies. This platform helps making connections quickly and easily, initiating collaborations that might evolve into successful long-term cooperation.

Kollár Ágnes
textile designer