Vető Márta


During her career she tried her hand in nearly all genres of the field. Already during her university years she had an in-depth interest in the screen printing technique and chose a direction which is quite rare in the field of textile art. Besides creating textile artworks she was always active in the applied branch too. For example she designed home textiles as a designer at Budaflax. Her curtains were either hand-dyed or screen-printed by herself.

She also sewed clothing from the fabric she had dyed herself and partook in fashion shows. Although she moved to Austria in the 80s she is known and recognised in both countries. Her works can also be seen in public collections.

What technique and inspiration did you use to create your textile on display in the 5th TEXHIBITION exhibition? Where was it made?

Similarly to last year, my design for this year uses motifs typical for a grain chest (szuszék), one of the most ancient pieces of furniture in Hungary.

Vető Márta
textile designer